Friday, October 05, 2007

"Michael Clayton" opens today. Huzzah!

The week is not lost. George Clooney's new move, "Michael Clayton," opens today.

Manohla Dargis gave it a glowing review in The New York Times. So did David Denby in The New Yorker. Like I need someone else to tell me to go see a George Clooney movie.

In other news about all things Clooney, Brad Pitt suggested that George should run for president.


Spocko said...

Finally got to see Michael Clayton with three male teen relatives.
I took them to the movie then out for fried food snacks afterward. I asked them all what they thought about it.
The responses ranged from "Not enough explosions" to "no way would the team of two bad guys know all those tricks" to 'what was the deal with the horses?"

I LOVED the film and now I want to talk about it to an adult who as seen it.

Have you reviewed it anywhere? Would love to here your take especially about the taxi ride scene and what you think will happen next.

Cynthia Badiey said...

Nope, haven't seen it yet, much to my dismay.